[Solo project for Game Jam #40.]

[Theme: Necromancy,  Special Object: Needle]

For 18 long years, you have wandered the cold streets as an orphan shunned by the townfolk perhaps because of your naturally gloomy atmosphere. You didn't know that gloomy aura was the sign of a budding talent until you ran into a necromancer while tending to your duties at the graveyard.

Lady M holds a special position not only in society but even amonst the necromancers. As a rare supplier of spirit needles needed to boost spiritual awareness, she is a lady with high power. Power that will allow you to step above those who once despised you.

However, It is not easy to win the Lady's approval. You must show your worth and abilities by managing the store safely under the nose of the Holy Church. If you are found by them, you will be killed. Whether you join Lady M as a personal disciple or as a new undead servant is in your own hands. Good Luck!

[Tbh I was not going to submit this game before I was convinced otherwise. I didn't spend much time on the game due to some untimely personal matters, so apologies for any bugs.]

Published 21 days ago
Tags2D, Cute, Simple, Spooky

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